Friday, January 24, 2020

OLIVER CROMWELL :: essays research papers

There is definitely an association between John Knox and Oliver Cromwell. Knox, in his book The Reformation of Scotland, outlined the whole process without which the British model of government under Oliver Cromwell never would not have been possible. Yet Knox was more consistently covenantal in his thinking. He recognized that civil government is based on a covenant between the magistrate (or the representative or king) and the populace. His view was that when the magistrate defects from the covenant, it is the duty of the people to overthrow him. Cromwell was not a learned scholar, as was Knox, nevertheless God elevated him to a greater leadership role. Oliver Cromwell was born into a common family of English country Puritans having none of the advantages of upbringing that would prepare him to be leader of a nation. Yet he had a God-given ability to earn the loyalty and respect of men of genius who served him throughout his lifetime. John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress served under his command in the English Civil War, and John Milton, who penned Paradise Lost, served as his personal secretary. Cromwell's early years were ordinary, but after a conversion experience at age 27, he was seized by a sense of divine destiny. He became suddenly zealous for God. He was a country squire, a bronze-faced, callous-handed man of property. He worked on his farm, prayed and fasted often and occasionally exhorted the local congregation during church meetings. A quiet, simple, serious-minded man, he spoke little. But when he broke his silence, it was with great authority as he commanded obedience without question or dispute. As a justice of the peace, he attracted attention to himself by collaring loafers at a tavern and forcing them to join in singing a hymn. This exploit together with quieting a disturbance among some student factions at the neighboring town of Cambridge earned him the respect of the Puritan locals and they sent him to Parliament as their representative. There he attracted attention with his blunt, forcible speech as a member of the Independent Party which was made up of Puritans. The English people were bent upon the establishment of a democratic parliamentary system of civil government and the elimination of the "Divine Right of Kings." King Charles I, the tyrant who had long persecuted the English Puritans by having their ears cut off and their noses slit for defying his attempts to force episcopacy on their churches, finally clashed with Parliament over a long ordeal with new and revolutionary ideas. OLIVER CROMWELL :: essays research papers There is definitely an association between John Knox and Oliver Cromwell. Knox, in his book The Reformation of Scotland, outlined the whole process without which the British model of government under Oliver Cromwell never would not have been possible. Yet Knox was more consistently covenantal in his thinking. He recognized that civil government is based on a covenant between the magistrate (or the representative or king) and the populace. His view was that when the magistrate defects from the covenant, it is the duty of the people to overthrow him. Cromwell was not a learned scholar, as was Knox, nevertheless God elevated him to a greater leadership role. Oliver Cromwell was born into a common family of English country Puritans having none of the advantages of upbringing that would prepare him to be leader of a nation. Yet he had a God-given ability to earn the loyalty and respect of men of genius who served him throughout his lifetime. John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress served under his command in the English Civil War, and John Milton, who penned Paradise Lost, served as his personal secretary. Cromwell's early years were ordinary, but after a conversion experience at age 27, he was seized by a sense of divine destiny. He became suddenly zealous for God. He was a country squire, a bronze-faced, callous-handed man of property. He worked on his farm, prayed and fasted often and occasionally exhorted the local congregation during church meetings. A quiet, simple, serious-minded man, he spoke little. But when he broke his silence, it was with great authority as he commanded obedience without question or dispute. As a justice of the peace, he attracted attention to himself by collaring loafers at a tavern and forcing them to join in singing a hymn. This exploit together with quieting a disturbance among some student factions at the neighboring town of Cambridge earned him the respect of the Puritan locals and they sent him to Parliament as their representative. There he attracted attention with his blunt, forcible speech as a member of the Independent Party which was made up of Puritans. The English people were bent upon the establishment of a democratic parliamentary system of civil government and the elimination of the "Divine Right of Kings." King Charles I, the tyrant who had long persecuted the English Puritans by having their ears cut off and their noses slit for defying his attempts to force episcopacy on their churches, finally clashed with Parliament over a long ordeal with new and revolutionary ideas.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Regulatory Paper: EMTALA

The health care industry has many regulations to ensure proper care is given, information is protected, and organizations are operating properly. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act statue of 1986 is no exception. In the following the EMTALA law will be explained with its purpose, how it is enacted, key points of information about the law, consequences for failing to abide the law, and how this regulation affects many different aspects, including the management of employees, resources, patients and the health care sector itself.Established in 1986, by Congress, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act as part of Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 (ACEP, n. d. ). EMTALA was initially created to prevent what is known as â€Å"patient dumping†, the transfer of uninsured or underinsured patients from private to public hospitals solely based on the patients’ inability to pay. The intent was to ensure everyone had access to emergency medical treatment and is now known as one of the most comprehensive regulations regarding the guarantee of medical care in a hospital, in addition to emergency care (Emergency, 2001).Investigations of violations of the law are the responsibility of the HCFA and the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services (Emergency, 2001). Any hospital or physician not complying with requirements of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act can face strong consequences and large fines. The fine for negligently violating EMTALA can reach $50,000 for a hospital or physician, except hospitals who have less than 100 beds, whose fine is limited at $25,000 (ACEP, n.d. ).A non-direct consequence consists of the hospital or physician being revoked from eligibility of the Medicare program (O’Shea, 2007). Although this consequence is not very likely to occur, it still is a very serious possibility. The American Medical Association conducted a Patient Care Phy sician Survey in 2001 with the following facts (O’Shea, 2007): In a typical week of practice more than 95% of emergency department physicians will provide EMTALA covered care.More than 30% of all physicians will provide EMTALA covered care in a typical week. On average, EMTALA covered care makes up 22. 9 hours of an emergency medicine physician’s week and 9. 7 hours of a surgeon’s week. These are important facts for employees to understand because it shows how often EMTALA covered care will be presented to a hospital each week. As with most things in life, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act has both positive and negative effects on the different aspects of the health care world.EMTALA provides the additional tasks of ensuring employees are properly trained and properly handling and executing situations. It can be debilitating on resources as the patients are uninsured or underinsured and will not have the ability to pay for the services obtained. For patients, EMTALA is a very positive regulation that provides the ability to receive the health care services needed, without the added stress to produce insurance coverage or the money before they are able to receive care.As far as the affect of health care in general it can be debilitating and overwhelming because many patients who lack health insurance coverage attend the emergency room because they have the right to an exam rather than utilizing a primary care physician who could deny services due to nonpayment. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act is a complex law that has the intention of protecting the patient, regardless of who they are or what they may possess.Although many may suggest that there is room for improvement, based on the amount of money lost from nonpaid bills of patients’ care protected by EMTALA, it nonetheless serves the purpose of its intention. Employees should be able to understand what the law is, the law’s purpose and who enacts it , key facts about EMTALA, consequences of failing to comply and how the regulations affect management of employees, resources, patients and health care.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay about Violent Video Games

Introduction In the previous three decades, video games have contributed significantly on how people spend their free time. The expansion of the video game industry in the past has contributed to a lot of questions concerning the stuffing of the games being issued. Various research activities have been done to establish the effects of violent video games. This is due to the fact that many biological and physical changes occur during puberty are subject to exposure to violent video games. This paper tries to elaborate the effects of violent video games on the brain, as well as the subjects of aggression and hostility with the goal of controlling the effects of video game violence. Discussion The first effect being viewed is the effect of violent video games on brain’s response to violence. Studies by US researchers for instance (Lin Leper, 1987) found association between use of video games and teacher’s rating of aggressiveness. It has accomplished that people engaged in many video games have higher capabilities to commit serious offences and less likely to offer help to others. On the other hand, critics these associations only substantiate that violent people concentrate on violent games, not those games alter behavior. At present, it has been established that people who engage in violent video games demonstrate reduced brain response to situations of real-life violence, for instance using guns, but not external emotional disturbing characteristics like those of dead natural world or ailing children. And the decrease in response is associated with aggressive character. The study shows that the brain activity is a characteristic signal seen in an electroencephalogram recording of brain waves as we see an image. The brain activity measurement reflects an evaluation of emotional content of an image becoming larger if people are astonished or disturbed by an image or if an object is strange. In the study, a questionnaire was conducted on 39 experienced players on the number of games they played. The respondents were then shown actual images, specifically of unbiased scenes but mixed with violent or negative scenes while recording brain activity. In respondents with highest level of experience of violent games, the brain activity response to the violent images was less significant and tardy. The respondents with high experience in violent video games did not recognize them as much distinctive from neutral. They developed insensitivity. On the other hand, their responses are still accurate for the non-violent negative scenes. There are situations when video games have been used to desensitize soldiers to scenes of war. Unfortunately, when the players were afterward given the chance to capitalize on an opponents weakness, respondents having the least brain activity meted out the most serious punishments. Even when the team controlled for the people’s natural hostility, evaluated by usual questionnaires, the violent games experience and brain activity response were still strongly correlated with aggressiveness. Due to this observation, exposure to violent games has consequences on the brain that determines aggressive behavior. On therapy point of view, there are more intellectual benefits from video games. These involve puzzle games like the popular Tetris. This genre of games stimulates the mind by presenting challenges and puzzles in place of enemies and worlds. The purpose of these games is to keep the mind energetic and alert. This criterion of game-play has brought about the notion that video games can be applied as a form of therapy. Some of them are comforting and soothing and they can be particularly altered to meet an individual patient’s need. A video game can be created to assist a particular type of person, whether it is to assist connect positive memory cells in the brain, or simply kindle brain activity in general. Because video games are created in a programmatic nature, their probabilities of creation are without limit. Gardner (1991) tried out the first research on this issue. He fruitfully applied video games as a way of psychotherapy in young children. This improvement has been us ed as a benchmark on this issue, with greater concern on dealing with mentally-ill patients. On the context of Eye-Hand coordination it has been found that those who participate in video games have greater eye-hand coordination. This is due to the fact that some sort of skill is required to be able to play the games. For instance, if a character is running and shooting at the same time, a realistic player is required to monitor   the location of the character, where he/she is moving, his speed, the target of the gun and if the gun is hitting the target. These factors are considered and then the coordinates brain explanation and reaction with the hand movement and fingertips, a process which requires a great deal of hand-eye coordination and visual-spatial capacity to be successful. This can be proved from the relationship that has been shown on the effects of increased video game playing on eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity and reaction time in (drew Waters, 1986). Reference list Anderson. C.A Bushman. B.J. (2002). Human Aggression. Annual Review of Psychology , 53, 27-51. Chambers. J. H Ascione F.R. (1987). The effects of prosocial and aggressive videogames in childrens donating and helping. Journal of Genetic Psychology , 148, 499-505. Connor, D.F Steingard, R.J Cunningham, J.A ,Anderson J.J, Melloni. (2004). Proactive and reactive aggression in referred children and adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry , 74, 129-136.